give online

Giving is a Biblical principle that when lived by, produces a rich harvest in our lives. Choose a fund to give towards and enter an amount for your gift. Your giving is making a difference in this church, our community, and the world.

Together, we are Building Great Lives!

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Text: 28950

To support individual ministries, please select from the following codes and include it in your text:

  • ocfc - Tithes and Offerings
  • ocfcrsm - ROCrageous Offerings
  • ocfclegacy - Legacy Project Fund
  • ocfcbldg - Building Fund
  • ocfctv - Television
  • ocfcsh - Storehouse
  • ocfcmission - Missions Fund
  • ocfconeighty - Oneighty Youth


Odessa Christian Faith Center's vision and mission are achieved through seven strategies and one of these seven strategies is to support missions. We are blessed to be a blessing, not only locally, but across the world.

Please watch the video below to learn which ministries we support.



Your generosity helps us maintain all of our facilities so that the Word of God can be shared with everyone who comes through our doors. 


Our outreach ministries include our storehouse ministry, our RocRageous sidewalk children's ministry, and our television ministry. We want our community to know that God loves them and cares about them! One of the best ways to show God's love is to let Him work through us in giving to those who may not be able to give back.

Our storehouse is for anyone in need of food. If you or someone you know is needing assistance, visit the Connect Centers before or after our Sunday or Wednesday services.

Our RocRageous team ministers to underprivileged children in HUD housing. During different times of the year, we provide coats, school supplies, Thanksgiving meals, and Christmas presents.

Our television ministry brings the Word of God to those outside of the four walls of our church.