Whatever your needs, you are not alone! If you would like to submit a prayer request, please answer the questions below and let us know how we can believe, agree, and stand with you.
Prayer Request
Prayer Request
Whatever your needs, you are not alone! If you would like to submit a prayer request, please answer the questions below and let us know how we can believe, agree, and stand with you.
Please Pray!
Below are prayer requests that have been submitted by our congregants. Please pray for these people (and click the "hands" so they know that someone did)!
I am living in sin and consumed with hatred towards my kids mother. I am trying to destroy her with slander and lies.
My sister, Judy Peabody is in the hospital, in Ohio. Kidney failure, possible heart attack, lungs were filling with fluid. She has a good medical team, is 77 years old, and is a believer in Jesus. Thank you, and God bless.
Praying for a better relationship with my kids,and overcoming this financial hardship we have been experiencing.
Pray for Viola Cleo Bradshaw to be free from witchcraft spirits, manipulation, deliver me from male spirits, drive out that witch of Ontario Karla Holmoka and sorcery and free her from evil and give me gods love, deep peace, sleep needed, and lift up Jhana Maya Bradshaw to be comforted after fears of loss, and for Jane Young to be healthy and happy. Pray that alligators be protected and not killed for food as its evil in nature to hurt wildlife ike Shoeless Joes hurt alligators in London Ontario for food.
Jan. 26, 2025 Subject: Support & Partner with 2 Christian Missionary Couples: Jon & Maki Robinson and David & Yuka Mills of J.E.M.S., Los Angeles, CA 90086 To: Pastors, Elders, Staff, Odessa Christian Faith Center, Odessa, TX 79765 From: Jim Yoshioka, Holy Spirit Christian, resident of Seal Beach, CA and long-time supporter of J.E.M.S. In early Dec. 2024, I had received letters from Jon & Maki Robinson and David & Yuki Mills, Christian missionaries in Japan. They are asking for financial support through their organization J.E.M.S. (Japanese Evangelical Missionary Society) Los Angeles, CA 90086. JON & MAKI ROBINSON with 4 children Jon and Maki were both pastor’s kids, one in Southern California, the other in Tokyo. They met in college, married a few years later in 2008, and have been serving as missionaries in Japan ever since. Over the years they have assisted Japanese pastors at churches and helped complete a church plant project in northern Japan and continue to serve at a local church plant in Tokyo, today. Recently, they have been working with JEMS to help 1,100 missionary members to reach out to their Japanese friends more effectively. Jon & Maki Robinson are working with the House of Grace church plant in their neighboring town, they have seen the benefits of building a custom house with space for group meetings. Their current apartment prohibits hosting religious events or other programs like kids’ English. Also, by having a permanent home in the community, they can join the HOA and be recognized by friends as ‘lifers’ in the town of Kodaira. This is especially helpful when people consider long-term friendship with foreign or mixed families. Makiba House, their planned home plus meeting space, will be a place for people to come and explore Christianity freely and learn what it’s like to live as Christians before deciding to go to church. They like to see it as a stepping-stone toward a full Christian life. About finance: Buying land and building a home in their neighborhood that will cost about $500-$550K. After raising special funds for a down payment and startup costs, it would take a 20-30 year mortgage and their monthly housing stipend could be allocated to the building instead of their rented apartment. Recently, the goal has been reached by slightly over ½ of the down payment. DAVID & YUKI MILLS David and Yuki have been serving as missionaries for many years in Hiratsuka-shi, Kangawa, Japan. They live near a university where they have students and their friends having coffee, snacks and fellowshipping in the Mills’ business establishment: J-lodge, with introduction to Christ Jesus, as their Lord and Savior. The ”J-lodge” has been a central part of the community where many students gather for social and stop-over during their studies and transitioning to their careers. Two months ago, David had an open-heart surgery for the mitral valve replacement. He had successful surgery and has had a near, full recovery with Yuki’s assistance at homecare. Currently, the Mills are led by the Holy Spirit to take on a new project “Over Coffee Project” in opening a new coffee shop nearby their original one. They are making a goal of making 40 to 50 kg (88 to 110 pounds) of roasted coffee per month, in packages for sale and having fresh brewed flavored coffee as well as snacks and sandwiches. If you are led by the Holy Spirit, in supporting and funding the Robinsons and Mills, with prayers, please contact: JEMS P.O. Box 86047 Los Angeles, CA 90086 Phone: (213) 613-0022 Website: info@jems.org Thank you for your attention, cooperation and God bless!