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Become a member

The Bible describes the church as the body of Christ, and Christians as members of that body. For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.

  • Getting Started Video - Learn about the mission and vision of OCFC and how we can help you build a great life in Christ!

  • We want to get to know you! Please click the LINK to complete the information form for you or your family.

serve in ministry

Each of us has our own unique gifts to add to the body of Christ! You have been set apart and chosen for His purpose. Explore these opportunities in ministry  to find where God is calling you.

Join a Life Group


Life groups are critical in building our faith together. Groups meet in local residences once a month to study and engage with the word of God. They provide opportunities to ask questions and discuss topics in a more personal way than traditional services.